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Article: The Health Benefits of Ozone Saunas

The Health Benefits of Ozone Saunas

The Health Benefits of Ozone Saunas

Written by Chris Lang


The wellness world constantly sees new trends and innovations driven by a quest for holistic well-being. However, not all of these trends stick around or gain widespread popularity. So, what makes the infrared ozone sauna different?

The answer to this question is simple. By using an ozone infrared sauna, you combine two therapies in one – infrared light therapy and ozone therapy. Given how beneficial each of these therapies is, this combination promises a powerful and comprehensive approach to your overall well-being.

But how does an infrared ozone sauna work, and what are the benefits of this innovative combination? That’s precisely what you’ll learn in this article. You’ll also learn how to use these saunas safely and effectively, helping you maximize their health benefits.

Let’s begin.

Understanding the Infrared Ozone Sauna

Before diving into the health benefits of an ozone sauna, it’s important to understand what this sauna is and how it operates.

What Is an Infrared Ozone Sauna?

Though several types of infrared ozone saunas exist, they generally consist of the same elements: a sauna chamber, infrared heat emitters, and an ozone generator. To get the sauna ready for use, ozone is pumped into the chamber together with hot steam reaching up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the chamber reaches the ideal temperature, the user climbs in.

With the technicalities out of the way, it’s time to address the age-old question: What does a sauna really do for you?

To answer this question about the infrared ozone sauna, you must first appreciate how each component of this innovative therapy works and contributes to your overall well-being.

In one corner, there’s the infrared sauna.

This sauna relies on infrared rays to heat the body of sauna goers directly, penetrating deeper into the body than “regular” heat or light. This direct approach allows infrared saunas to induce a more profound sweat than traditional saunas. But don’t let this scare you; these saunas won’t cause you to overheat. In fact, they reach significantly lower temperatures (up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit) than traditional saunas (up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit), making them ideal for people who are less tolerant to heat.

In the other corner, the ozone gas awaits.

This form of oxygen (O3), known as “activated oxygen,” is used as part of ozone therapy. This therapy is used for various purposes, from boosting the immune system to treating arthritis. Of course, the gas used for saunas is medical-grade ozone. Still, only small quantities of this gas are used since ozone can be harmful when inhaled.

Being a powerful oxidizing agent, ozone has long been used in medicine. For instance, in World War I, it was used to treat and disinfect wounds and to purify tap water.

But why combine ozone with an infrared sauna?

The answer is simple – the sauna setting allows for a systematic yet less invasive administration of ozone. Plus, the dual-action approach allows sauna goers to experience the health benefits of both infrared light and ozone therapy more effectively.

The Science Behind Far Infrared and Ozone

When talking about infrared light therapy, it’s important to differentiate between three components based on differing wavelengths – near-infrared (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR), and far-infrared (FIR) light. As you can probably guess, the main difference between these lights is how far they penetrate into the body.

Since the whole point of the infrared ozone sauna is to reach as far as possible, it shouldn’t be surprising that the type of light used for these saunas is far-infrared light. This light is characterized by the longest wavelength, which can penetrate up to 1.5 inches into the body.

As the intense heat penetrates the skin and opens up the pores, it leaves room for ozone to pass freely and reach the bloodstream. From there, ozone can reach virtually any body part that might need its assistance, such as the lymph tissue.

Then, it can get to work. You see, ozone is composed of three atoms. The third atom (which differentiates ozone from oxygen) makes it extremely unstable, as this atom wants to break off and combine with other molecules. And that’s precisely what takes place in the body – ozone bonds with the target cells, enhancing the way they work. In other words, this gas doesn’t introduce anything new to the body. Instead, it simply optimizes the body’s existing processes.

Benefits of Infrared Ozone Sauna Therapy

An older clinical review of ozone therapy suggested that it can be used in a wide array of applications, including fighting viral diseases and even treating cancer. The potential bnefits of sauna for women and men are no less impressive. From simple wellness benefits like relaxation to claims that the sauna can increase your lifespan, there’s seemingly nothing regular sauna bathing can’t do.

However, for the purpose of this article, we’ll exclusively focus on the impressive health benefits of the far-infrared sauna-ozone therapy combo.

Detoxification and Purification

Detoxification is one of the primary reasons people choose to incorporate sauna therapy into their wellness routine. If you’re one of them, you’ll be happy to know that the use of ozone only further amplifies the detox effects of a steam sauna.

Here’s how it works.

The infrared light heats up your body, raising its core temperature. This triggers several physiological responses, with excessive sweating and blood vessel dilation being chief among them. Both of these responses are crucial for detoxification and purification of your body.

Though there’s some debate in this regard, an older review published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health found that chemicals like mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium can be found in sweat. This means that stimulating sweat glands can help rid your body of these harmful substances. 

On the other hand, blood vessel dilation boosts your blood circulation, allowing ozone to freely travel through your body, reaching the lymphatic system. There, it initiates a cleansing effect, resulting in the elimination of the accumulated toxins.

Health and Wellness Advantages

Though the far-infrared ozone sauna is beloved for its ability to detoxify the body, this is far from the only health benefits of this therapy.

Another notable health benefit is undoubtedly increased blood circulation. Now, if you know anything about “regular” saunas, you’ll know virtually any type of sauna will have this benefit. This is simply a natural response of your body as its temperature rises and the heart starts pumping more blood. However, this health benefit is amplified with the ozone sauna. Why?

Well, with dilated blood vessels, ozone brings oxygen to the tissues more efficiently, enhancing cellular metabolism and tissue oxygenation. This comes with a host of resulting benefits, with boosting the body’s natural healing processes being among the most notable.

In addition, using an ozone sauna may boost the immune system. This has to do with ozone stimulating the production of white blood cells and increasing the efficiency of your immune response. This way, no virus, bacterium, or fungus can jeopardize your body’s defenses.

It’s also worth mentioning that an ozone sauna session can help relieve symptoms of specific chronic conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Lyme disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, more research is needed to establish the full extent of these therapeutic effects.

Key Features of Infrared Ozone Saunas

As previously discussed, an infrared ozone sauna consists of three elements – a sauna chamber, infrared light lamps, and an ozone generator. Let’s see how these elements can be combined.

Portable Infrared Sauna Options

At its core, an infrared ozone sauna is simply an infrared sauna with added ozone. This means that an existing infrared sauna can be quickly converted into an ozone infrared sauna. However, this can’t be done with just any at-home sauna. Only a portable sauna will do, as these leave the head of the sauna goers free, preventing them from breathing in ozone.

These saunas are generally more convenient than regular infrared saunas, as they take up less space, can be assembled virtually anywhere, and can travel with you. Purchase an ozone generator, and you can also take ozone therapy on the road.

Sauna Box and EMF Considerations

If you prefer a pre-made infrared ozone sauna, you can find various models that primarily differ in your body placement (whether you’re sitting, standing, or lying). These saunas are often referred to as sauna boxes, and they’re also portable and convenient.

The only aspect to keep in mind is the level of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). EMFs radiate from all electronic devices, which means that your sauna’s heaters and ozone generator will also emit them. If you’re worried about the potentially harmful effects of this radiation, look for low-EMF sauna models to minimize concerns and maximize enjoyment.

Using an Infrared Ozone Sauna

Now that you know what an infrared ozone sauna is and why you should use it, let’s discuss how to use this sauna to maximize benefits and avoid any potential side effects.

How to Use an Infrared Ozone Sauna

Generally speaking, infrared saunas can be used longer than traditional saunas as they operate at lower temperatures. While experts recommend spending no more than 20 minutes in a traditional model, having a 30-minute session in an infrared sauna shouldn’t cause any issues.

Since infrared ozone saunas operate at even lower temperatures, it’s natural to assume you could spend more time in them. However, ozone is unstable and reverts back to oxygen relatively quickly. This process is only accelerated by the presence of heat and humidity. For this reason, there’s no point in spending more than 30 minutes in an ozone sauna since the strength of the gas has been reduced by at least 50% before those 30 minutes expire.

As for the frequency, try using this sauna two to three times per week. After all, only regular use can maximize its potential health benefits.

Safety and Precautions

Using any sauna requires following safety guidelines and precautions to ensure a positive and secure experience. However, you have to be extra careful when using ozone saunas due to the addition of the potentially harmful gas.

To avoid inhaling ozone, wear a carbon-backed mask during your sauna session. If you notice any skin rashes, pimples, or itching post-sauna, reduce the duration and frequency of your sessions. In case of a severe reaction, stop these sessions altogether and consult with a medical professional.

Other than that, stick to the standard rules of sauna use, such as the following:

  • Drink plenty of water before and after the sauna session.

  • Listen to your body and stop the session immediately if you feel ill.

  • Limit the time spent in the sauna to avoid overheating.

Most importantly, always consult a medical professional before using a sauna if you have any medical conditions or take medications that might impact your body’s ability to regulate temperature or stay awake.

Comparisons and Considerations

Now that you know all the relevant information about infrared ozone saunas, the only question left is whether they’re right for you.

Infrared Ozone Sauna vs. Traditional Steam Sauna

A traditional steam sauna relies on wood-burning or electrical heaters to raise the temperature of the sauna room. This, in turn, raises your body temperature and makes you sweat. Since these saunas are characterized by high temperatures (up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit), they can feel rather intense. If you have issues with heat tolerance, this sauna type probably won’t be your go-to choice.

An infrared ozone sauna, on the other hand, operates at a much lower temperature. In addition, your head is free, allowing you not to be fully immersed in the heat. This type of sauna also penetrates more deeply (as discussed above), potentially bringing lots of long-term health and wellness benefits.

However, the potentially harmful effect of ozone and the less visually appealing design might dissuade you from purchasing an infrared ozone sauna. It all depends on your needs and preferences.

Choosing the Right Sauna for Your Needs

If you opt for an infrared ozone sauna, here’s what to keep in mind to find your perfect model:

  • Size. Due to their design, infrared ozone saunas are only intended for a single user. Still, make sure the size of the sauna fits the available space in your home and properly supports your body.

  • Shape. You can sit, lie, or stand in an infrared ozone sauna. It all depends on which position you find most comfortable.

  • Ozone grade. Medical-grade ozone used for saunas is an ozone-oxygen mixture. To ensure the ozone is kept at safe levels (2%-5%), look for models with high-quality and reliable ozone generators.

Infrared Saunas: Redefined

Infrared saunas are already widely loved for their many health and wellness benefits. Adding ozone into the mix only enhances the therapeutic effects, boosting your overall well-being. But like ozone therapy, these saunas require more research before being widely endorsed for mainstream use. If you opt for them, always err on the side of caution.

If this concept scares you or raises concerns, you can always reap many of the same benefits by investing in a “regular” infrared or a traditional sauna from Komowa.

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